What he did exceeded the extent of his authority. 他所做的已经超越了它的权力。
According to the nature and extent of their authority, agents are classified as general, special, or universal. 根据代理权的性质和范围,代理人分为一般代理人、特别代理人和全权代理人。
The extent of state authority to restrict OCS oil development through coastal zone planning is also unclear. 州的权力机关可以在多大程度上通过沿海区域规划限制外大陆架的石油开发也不明确。
Third chapter dam safety monitors the system data base design and exploitation including the system administration module mainly, the data record enter module, the form for report make, the artwork makes, extent of authority manages this several aspect. 第三章大坝安全监测系统数据库设计与开发主要包括系统管理模块,数据录入模块,报表制作,图形制作,权限管理这几个方面。
Concerned about how the mass media is embedded in the social, political and economic structure, and the extent to which they have an impact on family and social changes including the digestion of traditional authority, the modernization of the people. 关注大众传播媒介是如何被嵌进社会、政治和经济结构之中,它们又有多大程度上对家庭和社会的变迁产生影响。包括对传统权威的消解、人的现代化在内的影响。
Fundamental changes has taken place in the administration concept, operating mechanism, business flow, duty extent of authority and checking valuation, which along with the information-based means applies to tax revenue tax collection deeply. 随着信息化手段在税收征管工作中应用的深入,税务机关的管理理念、工作机制、业务流程、职责权限、考核评价等方面发生了根本性的变化,综合征管软件(Ctais)也就应运而生。
The content, type and extent of authority affect the acceptability enormously and directly. 权威的内容、种类和程度对可接受性的影响是巨大而直接的。
To control and limit Retrial Reason, we should base on the nature and the extent of the error, the impact of justice, it makes retrial procedure truly realize the break adjudged force of a case, to safeguard the judicial authority in all the judicial field. 在界定再审事由时,应根据错误的性质、程度以及对司法公正的影响,对其进行控制和限定,使再审程序真正实现对个案的既判力的破除,来维护整个司法领域的权威。
The audit system is the organizational form of audit system, and it is aspect system structure and the system umbrella names such as auditing agency interposition, legal status, affiliations of, duty extent of authority. 审计体制是审计制度的组织形式,是审计机关的设置、法律地位、隶属关系、职责权限等方面的体系结构和制度的总称。
The legal source of stipulating administrative provisions belongs to super ordination law warrant or inherence. In working out extent of authority, The principle of law superiority and reservation of law should be followed. 行政规定制定权的合法来源,是基于上位法的授权或固有职权;在制定权限行使过程中,应遵从法律优先和法律保留原则。
We should handle properly the relation between judicial powers and the administrative power, fix the extent of competence in administration provisions and corresponding judicial review range, To embody the demand rule by law in authority division and equilibrium. 正确处理司法权和行政权的关系,合理界定行政规定的权限范围与对应的司法审查范围,以体现权力分工与制衡的法治要求。
This is largely extent damage to the judicial justice, hampered the efficiency of lawsuit, the impact of the judicial authority. 极大损害了司法公正,妨碍了诉讼效率,影响了司法权威。
Enterprise organization reflects division and cooperation, departments 'partition and duty scope, decision-making extent of authority and composing system of organization border in internal enterprise, and its advance and rationality have direct impact to business operations efficiency and competitiveness. 企业组织反映了企业内部的分工与协作、部门划分与职责范围、决策权限与组织边界的构成体系,它的先进性与合理性直接影响到企业经营活动的效率和竞争能力的强弱。
The new system can facilitate the definition and assignment of roles, resources, extent of authority and other management elements, and improve the human resources management of Guizhou University which is established by the merger of a number of schools. 新系统能够方便系统管理人员对角色、资源、管理范围等权限要素进行准确的定义和分配,使得由多所学校组建而成的贵州大学的人力资源管理上了一个新的台阶。
When applying this special rule, however, two factors should be considered: the extent of diversification of economic activities within the jurisdiction of the granting authority and the length of time during which the subsidy programme has been in operation. 但在适用这一特别规定时,应将中国国内经济活动多样性程度和实施补贴计划的持续时间这两项因素纳入考虑范围。